What started as a routine week has turned into an unexpected week. I'll explain in my weekly summary. This week nutritionally has been about 70/30 healthy and today Saturday was my first workout of the week doing lower body. I will be piggy backing tomorrow with another lifting session but for upper body and continue on to week 5.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
C4W3D4 Back home
Long day in New Orleans, but made my trek back to Chicago this evening. After spending some time with my family, I snuck out to the gym. Had a good workout with some new highs on biceps and shoulders. I know have been home for about an hour and just stuffed down my shrimp and bread, time to hit the sack. Not sure if I'll be able to hit cardio in the morning before work, as I need some rest.
Today was a long day and I stayed out later than necessary. Although I had every intention of running on the treadmill, I fell asleep after I had changed and laid down in my hotel room.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
C4W3D2 French Quarter
I'm in New Orleans for business and didn't have a chance to work out until late tonight. I had to change my workout yo a dumbbell based lowers leg workout to get through it here. I had been doing great with no alcohol, but did have a few glasses of wine at our business dinner. Disappointed I gave in, but at least it wasn't beer.
Cardio did not happen. My pinched nerve has been bothering me all night and day and hoped that by tonight it would feel better, but no luck.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
C4W2D7 Week 2 Summary
Not a good week for me. Nutrition was horrible at least one meal during the second half of the week blew my calorie count. Need to get my head on straight...
C4W2D6 Glad to be home
We made our trek back home from the Dells today and stopped at The House On the Rock on the way back interesting place. After the family passed out, I managed to hit the gym and have a decent workout. All day I had a little sharp pain in my lower back like a pinched nerve and I think driving and having to tote around my 15 month old through the house in the rock didn't help. Hopefully, it won't get worse than it is, because this will aggravate more with running.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
C4W2D5 Bump after bump...
Another day without a true workout, but kept the moderate cardio going at the water park. Again my nutrition ruined by one meal... again the quesadillas. I'm not panicking here, this is a hurdle that I must face and get over and just get back on track. It's everyday life and I need to fix it for my body for life. I need to get back home and get a grip.
Well the food news is I found the fitness center and got a full run cardio session in. The bad news... they had no weights what so ever. My original plan was to just go through my lower workout exercises with my body weight , but that didn't happen. We got back to the room and basically crashed. Its a good thing I could keep up with my three year old going up the stairs and ramps to the slides over and over again . I never walked or ran them, but kept a good pace that I could feel it... but I wish I had the stamina of my son lol. I was definitely what I would consider additional moderate cardio burning some calories.
The bad part about my nutrition is that I have not done my 5-6 meals yesterday or today. One meal each day blew my day big time. They could have been healthy , but I was weak. Yesterday lunch was a late breakfast and I had steak and eggs, but couldn't resist the unhealthy carbs. Then that night, was lasagna and I had more that my share and didn't even cook my protein like I was supposed to. Then today I had ground turkey and rice, but splurged on the quesadillas that were not on my program. Needless to say this week, my second is not going well nutritionally. I med to get back on track.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Another late night workout, had a new high on dumbbell bench press and shoulder press. I hit the 90 lb set for bench and peaked at 50lb set on shoulders, so happy. I had a tweak in my right shoulder over the weekend and was worried about tonights workout. Everything went well except my superset on chest with dumbbell flys. I'll probably have to go lighter my next workout as to not hurt it to the point I can lift any other exercises.
C4W2D3 missed workout
We left today for a few days to the Dells for my sons birthday and we'll be hitting the indoor water park. Unfortunately, I couldn't sneak out of the room to do cardio because our baby wouldn't fall asleep. I will double up tomorrow with cardio in the morning and weights at night.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Still not in the morning, but I got my cardio in tonight. Once again, starting the 4th interval I was gassed from running, but just went immediately into the inclines to finish up. I'm shooting for complete running by start of this week.
C4W1D7 Week 1 Summary
Sunday, November 25, 2012
C4W1D6 Waddle, waddle, waddle...
C4W1D5 ZZZzzzz
Friday, November 23, 2012
C4W1D4 Thanksgiving not a day off!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
C4W1D3 Huffing and puffing
Failed again on morning workout, it's hard to do a late night lifting and get up early. This is a must goal for me in this challenge and hope that through this Thanksgiving holiday weekend I can get on track.
Tonights cardio... boy did I feel it. Due to my foot acting up I had laid off of running, but went back to it tonight. I started conservative, but by the end of the second interval I was struggling! I lowered my expectations for the third interval and peaked with a 5.5 mph run, but when I went to start the fourth interval I began to gag and dry heave... just what I wanted to feel, knowing I did give it my all. Rather than make a fool of myself and make others sick, yes, there were others working out this late, I decided to flip to a 3.0 mph walk using inclines for the increasing intensities. I had to walk at no incline to get myself back together, then went to level 4, 8, 12, and then 15(max). Heart rate went up satisfactory and then I finished off with a level 4 incline. I then cooled off for an additional five minutes at a walk. My guess is I will be back at full speed in a few weeks. Never give up, just adjust your intensities!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Day 2 didn't start off too well either. My intention was to do cardio in the morning and my lifting at night to catch up, but my son was up on and off with a fever and I was up on and off with him. Needless to say, when my alarm went off at five in the morning, I don't even remember shutting it off.
The good news is that I was able get my lifting in late tonight, finished up a little before midnight. I started with lower body and abs. For the first 4 weeks I will be following the routine attached, unfortunately the leg press machine was taken by someone who did a gazillion sets and I chose a leg machine sled type instead. I chose these exercises because they are similar to what I began my journey with last year. Part of it is to give my body a break from some of the compound movements I've done and focus a little more on the cardio as I need to focus on burning fat! The other part is to compare strength from then and now. I am still amazed at myself at how my self esteem still lacks even after a year with good progress and I have to be creative in seeing things that keep me motivated. I need to remember that it's about progress not perfection!
The start of my challenge was a missed work out. Not a good start, but I will move forward. I started my challenge out of town in Buffalo and was prepared to work out in the morning in the hotel, however this past weekend my house was one big petri dish of colds and it began to take its toll on me. I wasn't sure if it would escape me, but it didn't. I couldn't sleep and had an early morning meeting. I skipped my work out and hoped that by the time arrived back home in the evening I could hit the gym, but I didn't. It's just an excuse, but I'll just continue on to day 2.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
1 Year Anniversary :)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
C3W5D48 8/23/12
This week was going well until last night and this morning. For whatever reason my legs were tightening up especially my calves. This morning when the alarm went off they still didn't feel right. I decided to listen to my body and rest today. I will push workouts one day and do legs tomorrow.
Monday, August 20, 2012
C3W5D53 8/19/12
Since I was one day behind my workouts I decided to do legs today. Good workout, squats are so much fun now and my ABS are so strong! Amazing what time and patience brings.
C3W5D54 8/18/12
After yesterdays garage sale I was pooped. My mother in law was goigg to come help watch the kids and I was going to sneak out to get a workout in, but she was a no show. Sat night we had some friends come over and cheat day started early. I ended up not making it to the gym. Although our friends didn't stay too late, we were exhausted and went straight to bed. Will have to push workout to tomorrow.
Friday, August 17, 2012
C3W5D55 8/17/12
Today was garage sale day, so we were up early and going. Last night was a late night prepping for the garage sale, so my goal of 530am was not going to work, however I was able to make it late morning around 1030ish. Good cardio day followed by about 5 hrs of yard work. So sure I burned off more calorie! I made sure to east every few hours to keep body in right state. Well time for bed, as day two of garage sales is tomorrow and need to get up for my early morning workout.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
C3W5D57 8/15/12
So the streak ends at two... didn't make my morning work out. We are remodeling are master bathroom and I had to paint, so our contractor could finish up the rest. Well, I didn't get done until after midnight and when my alarm went off this morning I just couldn't get up. The good news is that after finishing up the second coat tonight I went straight to the gym for cardio. Tomorrow is another day, let's see if I can break the streak this week!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
C3W5D58 8/14/12
Believe it or not I made it to the gym early again! Not as early as yesterday, but good enough to get my workout in. I was in the door at 605am. Of course I had a plan to change up my routine for weights, but at the last second decided of it isn't broke don't fix it! So last night before bed I created my routine in JEFit. What's funny is I went with machine exercises, but the first one leg extensions was broken.... it was a sign, so I went to barbell squats and it was awesome! Low in weight for first time, but good baseline. I will push myself on Sat.
C3W5D59 8/13/12
What a wonderful way to star off my fifth week, I made it to the gym in the early morning! I was at the gym by 540 am on an empty stomach to complete my hiit and moderate bike ride. I felt so accomplished and hope to continue the trend for the next 2-4 weeks.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
C3D60 8/11/12 Part 2
Completed my split workout today. Upper body completed and feeling pumped! I have 40 minutes of moderate cardio Sunday and then will change up my exercises for the next four weeks, still haven't decided what exactly I'm going to do, but might veer off the BFL lifting for the next 4 weeks. I'm thinking on lifting days, I may do circuit training along with increased low to moderate cardio and see how that works for me. At the very minimum I may do two weeks just to see how my body reacts. I really would like to focus on fat loss, but since I had to ease up on HIIT these last 4 weeks due to my healing calf, I want to get back up to hat high intensity.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
C3D60 8/11/12 Part 1
Well feeling guilty and of course I should be, I decided to double up today and do a split workout. Morning is cardio and late afternoon will be weights. I'm glad to report that cardio is complete. It's now later in the aafternoon and will be leaving shortly for the gym for my upper body workout.
C3D61 8/10/12
Caught up on some sleep, but was still exhausted. I kept busy all day and when it was time to put my 3 yr old to bed, I fell asleep myself, whoops!
C3D62 8/9/12
Another long day and now workout again. By the time I got up, prepped for presentation, did obligatory lunch, dinner, it was straight to the airport. The downer is I would make it home at 3am due to delays and such. I slept 20 minutes on the flight, what a waste. Straight to bed.
C3D63 8/8/12
Today has been a long day. I was short on sleep but had a 4 hr flight to LA, I did nap here and there, but not very comfortably. Unfortunately for me, travelling west always has its downfall. The day is normally extended much longer due to the time zone difference. I didn't get back to my room until after midnight my time having to do an obligatory dinner. Exhausted and having to be up early to prepare for a presentation made me decide that I should by pass the cardio. This part drives me nuts, because I feel like at times I now put work first. This can lead to derailment in my eyes, but must think positive.
C3D64 8/7/12
Time was tight as the day continued on. So much to do and not sure when I would work out. I have a flight early tomorrow and still haven't packed, but needed to make time. Gym time was after 11 pm, finishing up a little after midnight, time to go pack and get to bed.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
C3D67 8/04/11
You're only as good as your weakest link. I've added 3 exercises totalling 9 sets of 15 reps of wrist exercises in hope of helping develop one of my issue areas. I hope this works out for me :) I'm doing them on my cardio day before lower body day and hope it doesn't put a hamper on my upper body workouts. Today was a good workout day, seemed a little drained, but again think it has to do with my lack of sleep. Looking forward to a good cardio tomorrow and not sure what cheat day brings, but we will see.
My cool leg warmers
When I tore my calf I purchased some medical socks. They are compresseion socks that supposedlty help with blood circulation and recovery. I originally purchased them because I was travelling and on crutches and wanted a quick recovery. I purchased my dress socks at CVS, but wanted something that I could use with everyday socks. I did some research online and ended up picking these Zensah sleeves at my local Dick Ponds. I don't feel they give as much compression as my CVS socks, but I'm a true believer that they help. I wear them during the day and at night. The funniest thing is that I feel like I should have matching wrist and head bands for my Jazzercising lol...
C3D68 8/03/12
Finished my cardio late tonight, but under slightly less intensity. Reading up on tight calves turns out I may have increased intensity to quickly. I backed off my speeds for tonight and stretched afterwards. Let's hope this helps!
C3D69 8/2/12
Great upper body workout tonight. I feel energized and strong. I've noticed that my 6 rep sets where I would struggle I end up completing with mind over matter, feels great. I think what has helped is in the cases where I can complete my reps with the weight, I lower to next lower weight to finish my reps. This is referred to as drop sets. Over the last few days my calves have been feeling weird. Tight would be the beat way to explain it.. they have me slightly worried.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
C3D70 8/01/12
Just finished up my cardio workout, feeling a little drained. I'm lacking sleep and have yet to make a morning workout. After more yard work, I ended up falling asleep last night and missed my lower body workout.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
C3D72 7/30/12
Didn't get cardio in the morning as planned. I'm failing miserably in morning cardio, but I did get it in tonight. Prior to cardio I did three sets of three exercises with 15 repair each for my wrists and forearms. I feel that I've helped strengthen other weak muscles starting with low weights anand increasing over time, so I'm hoping this will help them develop and not be my weal point in my workouts.
C3D73 7/29/12
Although today was my cheat day I did my first true HIIT since my town calf muscle on father's day followed by 20 min moderate cardio on the bike. I spent most of the day in my yard doing landscape work so good additional calorie burned. Thank God for that drizzle on and off, it helped keep me cool!
Saturday, July 28, 2012
C3D74 7/28/12
Good early evening upper body work out today after an action packed family day. Tomorrow is my cheat day and will get some cardio in.
Friday, July 27, 2012
C3D76 7/26/12
Finished up a late lower body workout, decided to just do upper and lower body workouts on back to back days. Will get back on track for cardio tomorrow. Exhausted need sleep, good night.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
C3D75 7/25/12
No need to throw in the towel, was just a bump in the road. Made it back in late tonight for an upper body workout and feeling good.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
C3D76 7/24/12
Today was a complete failure. No workouts and strayed off of nutrition and had a few drinks at a work outing. Need to refocus what is important to me.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Unfortunately, all intentions of ruining in the morning went out the window when I hit snooze one too many times. Once I got home from work, ate dinner, and spent some time running around chasing my son who is learning to ride, I apparently was exhausted. It's a little humid around here, maybe that is why. After getting my son ready for bed and getting him tucked in, I laid down for a minute. Next thing I knew it was 137am. Whoops. No workout. My body is very confused between traveling, late night workouts, etc. I set my alarm for 5am today and was going to double up, but I hit snooze on the alarm and had to get up and get ready and go straight for work. I really need to focus on rest this challenge and be in bed at 930pm and get my workouts in early in the morning. This goal has been a challenge for me through this whole process. I will have to play catch up this week. I will do cardio tonight and then a split tomorrow of cardio in the morning and weights tomorrow night.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Made the trek to the gym pretty late and repeated my dumbbell leg workout from last week at my hotel. I'm going to stick with it for the first 4 weeks just to get my muscles back in rhythm. I tried the exercise for my hamstring superset that I couldn't do last week again and still was not able to do, so I found a machine that I could grab on to and did the motion in a negative motion and used my grip to help me down and up. Hopefully after a week or two I can complete without the extra help. One full week complete!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
I almost talked myself out of working out tonight. At 830, I was ready to put my oldest son to bed and was going to take a nap and set my alarm to go do cardio at 11pm. Good thing my wife kept me engaged, before I knew it the time came and I never took a nap and got a second wind. Off to the gym I went and did my moderate intensity interval running followed up by the bike for 20 min. What is weird is that as I ran my legs felt good. I was able to push my third and fourth interval max speeds to 5.5 and 6 MPH. To me that is good for one week and recovering from a torn calf muscle. Tomorrow would normally be my off day, but I took that Wed. It's still my cheat day but will need to get a lower workout in. Until then see ya!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
After a long few days, I just finished up my upper body workout that I didn't do yesterday. I feel well rested now, but boy are my legs still in pain from Tuesday's dumbbell workout. I just can't get over how 4 weeks off set my legs back that much!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
It's been a long day. Unfortunately I've been up since 3am cst time due travelling from the east coast back home. Not working out my lower body because of my calf injury is today definitely noticed. I am so sore. And walking around so slow. Wish you all could see me waddling through the airport today. The worst was the ramps. I'm too tired to hit the gym late, so I will bump my exercises all one day. I'm going to bed now and will do my workout in the morning. Good night.
Hotel workout
I travel a lot for work and never know what kind of equipment will be available unless I have been there before. Cardio seems to be the easiest to figure out as most hotels will have at least a treadmill, bike, elliptical, or some combination of the three. Be prepared to adapt your cardio to whatever you have available and don't be scares of that machine you have never used. These are the times I change my attempt at HIIT whether it be walking at an incline and altering the inclines or jogging / running with the inclines. I utilize an app on my phone JEFIT for keeping track of routines and it has a library of exercises with animation of how it should be completed.
Some hotels have a full range of dumbbells and benches or machines or both. Again be prepared to be creative. On this last trip my hotel had just dumbbells and benches and well, I had to come up with a leg work out. I can tell you that two days later I can barely walk lol, mostly because of my first leg workout since my injury. I did dumbbells squats supersetted with dumbbells lunges. I then moves to dumbbells dead lifts and was about to superset with the exercise on the video where you lift your leg on a bench and motion as sitting. Well, this didn't work for me as I was exhausted and almost falling. Quite the fun visual thinking back on it now. I then moved on to standing dumbbell calf raises and a superset of single dumbbell calf raises. ABS were last and I did your basic crunches on the floor with a superset of bench leg raises. What a workout! http://www.ehow.com/video_7381153_hamstring-workout-dumbbells.html
Difference between nutrition and supplement labels
I've seen them many times on my vitamins, protein powders, etc. On some protein powders there is even their proprietary ingedient formula, but it breaks it out as to not divulge their secret formula. One place I noticed that has a nutritional label is on my EAS Myoplex. As it turns out there is a difference in labeling of actual fooda and supplements. For a quick read, you can find it here.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Challenge 3 Day 82
Well today was going well here in NYC, but I continue my love/hate relationship with it here. Unfortunately for me after arriving the airport, my flight was canceled and no flights until tomorrow. I scrambled to find a hotel and well what was left is not one in my top 10 choices, but oh well. I had to get my cardio in. I did my moderate intensity treadmill and finished up with a 20 minute bike. Miss my family, can't wait to get home.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Challenge 3 Day 83
After an early morning flight and on about 4 hours of sleep, I still had enough energy to work out late at my hotel. Ok the body said no, bit my mind said YOU HAVE TOO! The equipment was limited, however I improvised with a all dumbbell routine with exception of my calf raises using just my body weight. I used light weights to make sure that my legs are ready, I mean it's been a month since my injury and last leg workout. The room was hot, seemed like no air circulation, so that water was going down easily. My superset for hamstrings was in exercise I found online, that I couldn't complete or was doing it wrong. In a nutshell you would put one foot on a bench and then sit back as if you were sitting in a chair. My legs were burning bad from the deadlifts, so that didn't help. I finished up with my abs and did lying crunches with a superset of leg lifts lying on a bench. Back in November I would never have been able to do either of these, but it shows how much my core has strengthened. It's almost 1am est time, so time for bed. Have to get up at 6am for my cardio. Hope my legs can handle it!
Challenge 3 Day 84
I completed my cardio late tonight. I did 20 minutes of a moderate HIIT due to my recovering calf tear. The good news is I can jog but I'm no where near my previous speeds, with time I guess. I also was able to complete a low intensity 20 minute ride. Not going to get much sleep since I have to be up in 4hrs for a flight. Hope no lagging issues arise with my calf, as legs are tomorrow's workout. Will have to go easy on it.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Pre challenge work out
Saturday I was able to get a late night work out in. One of the few over the last month due to my calf injury. I had decided to take some time to rest a nagging wrist discomfort. Unfortunately, it has not gone away. Since I'm hoping to be good to get back in the gym tomorrow, I wanted to see what I could do for my wrist.
My wrist issues seem to have begun when I ripped my old lifting gloves. I replaced them with another Harbinger pair, but not the same as the ones I had. I think the wrist support was not as wide and over some time I aggravated my wrist. I took a trip to the local Sports Authority, but they didn't have the ones I hoped to find. I settled for a cheap pair of wrist wraps that also has a loop for the thumb, but not sure . I tried them on and definitely see that they will help, but I will only need one for my left wrist. They managed to fit under my gloves and did a good job through all my exercises. I ordered the Schiek pair I wanted online from eBay, and hope these will hold up more than the ones I bought at Sports Authority.
Tomorrow will be my first cardio since my calf tear. I'm a little nervous, but will do a lower intensity HIIT in hopes of no reinjury. m
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Where do I start...
It's for life, right? I laugh thinking about it, but it's true. I really don't know where to start. Over this last 3-4 months I have been challenged with injuries. You try to find the best fit for the issue and move on. I overcome one issue it seems and another one develops. As my lower back was healing up, I stayed on a bulking phase. About a week before Father's Day, I had started back on my HIIT treadmill training with an added 20 minutes of moderate stationary bike. I felt great, had been injury free for about a month and was sticking to core excercies, bench press, shoulder press, dead lifts, squats, etc. I work out and feel like the Hulk looking in the mirror, I loved the pump! My nephew had challenged me to some one on one basketball for Father's day, he's more than half my age lol, but it's always fun to hoop with him. Timing couldn't have been better as I was one week into increased cardio. We played a few games and had fun... I was so happy to feel how I did. The last time he and I did this was Oct. 2011, one of the key days in me making the commitment to changing my life that started on 11/14/2011. The last time I played was the day I took these pics.

I had some hop, energy, speed... and wasn't winded! But all good things must come to an end... as the ball bounced away on the driveway, I chased it down and casually hopped to catch the ball before it went in the grass when I felt a snap in my right calf. A snap, you got it. I landed on my other foot and instantly rolled into the grass laughing... always something. There was pain and I was worried... all that kept flashing through my head was this was a bad injury, I knew it, but was down playing it to my family who watched. When I got up, I could barely put pressure on it. I elevated it, iced it, etc. Hoping it wasn't as bad as it seemed, I slept the night. In the morning, there was no way I could walk... horrible. What did I do? Well what I did was end up on crutches for a few weeks and lucky for me a pretty bad tear.
So here I am 7/14, just about to get back in the gym. No cardio, no leg work since the tear... I just started up the upper body in the last week as my wrist had started to give me some pain previously and thought a few weeks rest would do it some good, but there is something still there that doesn't feel right. I'm hoping to start my cardio on this coming Monday. I've been working this injury with stretches and have been doing calf raises to stregthen them. I was floored at how much strength I lost at first, but it feels to be getting much better. If I can do 3x20 single calf raises, I will be ready to introduce running slowly again.
Here was the last picture I took right before the injury, I continue to bulk up and lose fat, but still have a ways to go, hoping this next challenge will be the one to get a good chunk of my belly gone. I have received many compliments on my upper body, shoulders, arms, back looking strong and powerful, but my gut is my gut. What's funny is that my abs have never been stronger! A frustrating mind game is that even though I had gone down in my belly, it's actually grown, but not because I'm gaining fat, but because my muscle seems to be pushing it back out! Here's to my next challenge which I hope will start Monday. :)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Spaghetti legs
I can not tell you how incredibly useless my legs are at this moment. I did legs on Thursday and changed up my routine to squats and deadlifts ... my butt, my hams, my quads, useless... I still have yet to make it to the gym today for my upper body workout as I am moving around so gingerly!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Cumulative Week 26
Currently I'm in week 27. During my injury I was in a fat burning phase, but decided to start back in a muscle building phase just recently in the last few weeks. I am actually up in weight, however have made some improvements with lean mass. I'll post up more information over the next few days. I will keep this going for four weeks and then will switch back to a fat burning phase and will try to lose 12 lbs of fat in those 4 weeks.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Challenge 2 Week 9/10 Recap (IR)
There wasn't much to recap for this week as I tried to run on three days, but decided to stay away from the weights do to the upcoming vacation we had and since we were driving, I could not be in that discomfort I was in and survive this trip.
Week 10 Recap
It was officially vacation week and travelling two days with kids 1200 miles is interesting to say the least, but we survived. I brought my shakes and I managed to keep my nutrition on track. We arrived late Saturday night to our grandpa's home and Sunday morning we hit the grocery store to stock up on the necessities. I picked up my containers of cottage cheese, turkey, bread, yogurt, etc. Unfortunately, this trip was part true vacation, but we had some sad news less than a few weeks ago, and my wife's grandfather passed away. We helped organize and clean up the place and we had some time to reflect on the whole situation. It was strange without Grandpa, but the home didn't feel uneasy, it felt at peace... something I was worried about. We lost my wife's father last year around the same time, when he was visiting Grandpa, but her father never made it back home :( We miss you guys, love you guys, rest in peace, and keep us on the right track down here ;)
Normally our vacations to Florida consists of spending time with Grandpa and a get away for a few days to Clearwater Beach. We decided to continue on to the beach for a few days after we found a condo for the family. While the kids were enjoying their time on the beach, it was good that the hotel had a pool for after nap time swimming, and an evening dip in the pool was nice too. Staying on track wasn't so bad, as we had a fridge, but we only brought what we needed. We decided to stay an extra night and day on the beach and this became a slight challenge, as I didn't bring all of my supplements with me. I tried my best to stay on track, but in all honesty I would say that up until Thursday night, I was at 100%, but ended up off track the remaineder of the vacation. All my meals were good, but when I get to dinner I fell off the wagon. I told myself, that as soon as I get back, I would get back on track.
During the vacation I felt like working out, but just didn't want to take the risk, but what I did do was run outside. I did about 2 miles on 3 days during the vacation, and was surprised that I did so well considering that all my running except one day back in week 8 have been on the treadmill. One day, my son even convinced me to take him in the stroller, he kept me motivated... but can you believe he kept telling me to run faster? Made me chuckle... I averaged about 5.5mph and a little over 11min/ mi. I was proud of myself :)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Challenge 2 Week 8 Recap (IR)
First, I weighed in at 249 lbs. Then I moved over to an open area and did about five minutes of stretching and focusing more on the lower back. I decided to try a moderate run on the treadmill to see where I was since the injury. I did much better that I thought I would. I was able to run 3 miles in 40 minutes at about 4.5 mph. I was thrilled that I hadn't lost a step, I could have pushed up to 5 mph, but didn't want to risk injury with too much too fast. I finished and stretched again for about five more minutes. The remainder of the morning went well, but what I found as the day went through that my lower back was tightening up on me, not a good sign.
Monday morning came and it was the beginning of my challenge 2 week 9. I went for my HIIT and addtional 20 minutes of moderate cardio. I had a slight tingle in my back with 3 minutes left and thought, come on man, I'm almost done, don't do this to me now! I was able to phase it out as it didn't feel like major injury, but made me wonder what does this mean. The day went very well, but by the time I was in bed, I had some pretty intense discomfort. Morning came and I made the decision to not hit the weights. I can't afford to aggravate this back to where it was before and I have a family trip to FL where we are driving and there is no way that I can drive with the pain I had originally when I first got hurt.
Tomorrow is a new day, back feels ok, so I will try to keep to my cardio sessions for the remainder of the week and treat them just as I did before. I'm hoping to Thursday complete a low intensity circuit type lifting session, just to help burn some calories and help maintain my muscle. This should help me possibly get range and stretch in the muscles slowly. I don't want to lose any of the effort I have had up until now. Please keep me in your thoughts, need some of those positive vibes ;)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Challenge 2 Week 7 Recap (IR)
I consider myself on IR this week lol... injured reserved. Although I stated that I would begin active rest, the reality is that it's just rest. There hasn't been exactly any physical activity at all since last Tuesday's workout where I injured myself. Sitting, standing, walking... EVERYTHING has a pain in my lower back. I have been constantly wearing my weight belt super tight, hoping that the extra support will fix me. Well... it hasn't :( I find myself trying to stretch and crack my back in a milliion different directions hoping that the miracle crack will make it all go away, but again it hasn't. I find myself on my back legs up on the couch most of my free time. It has been rough not making it to the gym, because I have been worried that I would just resort to old habits, which I haven't. The only good thing is that I have continued my nutrition.
I needed this weekend... mentally I was a downer, but I really try to be optimistic. Saturday, the wife and I had a chance to have some adult time, thanks to my mother in law. We had four events to attend in very little time. We started at a 80's them birthday party, where I felt like I was home lol... this cake was awesome.
Our night then progressed to another friends birthday party on the other side of the world... my wife didn't tell them we were coming, which ended up being a nice surprise for them. From the second I saw them, their facial expressions spoke volumes, and then the compliments started rolling. It hadn't dawned on me that I haven't seen any of them since before I started BFL in November of last year. Many compliments on how great I looked, people squeezing my biceps, and even a few, look at your face! It's so weird to get so many compliments, it's initially embarassing and hard to take, but then you realize it's ok. The more I think about it, the more I realized I needed this night. I did loosen up and I decided that a drink was in order for the start of my cheat day... a dreamsicle martini! Yes, that is my drink... and my wife with her Hacker-Pschorr... yes, I was ridiculed for my choice lol...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Mid morning meal
Scrambled eggs and turkey
45g protein
4g carbs
7g fat
I then added a serving of Quaker Oats :)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Still not better... it's time for active rest.
Although I am feeling slightly better, the pain is still there. After talking to a few friends they have convinced me that even if I feel better, just take the rest of the week off and if I can take an additional week off and just rest up and heal. I have kept to my nutrition of course and will stay on track. My wife was teasing me today if I had fallen off the wagon, something I keep saying I might, but of course I haven't. My body is trained to eat every 3-4 hrs so there is no escaping that and to be honest I haven't thought about eating less healthy food as I did prior to my challenges. Guess my taste buds are changing...
This obstacle is just another one thrown in to have to adjust to the "for life" part.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Injury update
Being as I have had trouble getting up from a laying position or standing up straight I don't think running HIIT would be such a good idea tonight. It's not a muscle issue, but something with a pinched nerve and shoots an excruciating pain with certain movements. I'm going to treat today as a rest day and hope that tomorrow I can continue on with my training. If not I will be starting active rest to get this lower back issue gone. I'm having a hard time with this mentally, it's a real downer
Setback I wasn't expecting... :(
Yesterday, I hit the gym early in the morning and was in the middle of my UBWO. I got to back and was doing my hyperextensions and was thinking to myself how my lower back feels good, it's getting stronger, it's nice not to have to worry about any injuries. I walked over to the cable row machine to complete my super set and was doing well. 1,2,3,4,5... 6, OUCH! It was that shocking feeling in my lower back and it hurt. I slowly put the weight down and laid back to stretch and cringe. When I tried to get back up, I couldn't it hurt too much. I ended up rolling off the bench and on to the floor. I immediately stretched everywhich way I could hoping that it would just go away, but no luck. I tried walking around, nothing. I still had triceps and biceps to go, so I went over picked up a bar for tricep extensions and just lifting to prepare stung my lower back. I decided to try cable rope push downs, and that worked. I super setted with another cable tricep exercise. I rested, walked back to the weights and tried to pick up a bar to do standing curls, but felt the same pain in my lower back. I headed back to the cable machines and did some seated cable curls and a super set.
Needless to say, it's late and I'm still in pain. I went to work, left early from the pain, and pretty much have laid on the floor all night with my feel elevated. Although it helps, this may be an injury that may not go away as easy as it did last time. I definitely will skip cardio in the morning and rest up. If I feel better tomorrow night, then I will do my HIIT late tomorrow night. If not, it may be time to take that active rest for the remainder of the week and maybe do a 2nd week like I had originally planned, but didn't do. Wish me luck and send me some good vibes, because although I know I am mentally and physically stronger, I need to get through this without just giving up. I don't plan on going down without a fight ;)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Challenge 2 Week 6 Recap 18 weeks
My strength continues to increase and the inches continue to dwindle down. I do see more and more definition in my arms, shoulders, and legs, and will continue to chisel away at the belly. I've lost an inch on my chest and waist, lost a little on my calves and shoulders, and gained a little on thighs and forearms.
Challenge | Week | Date | Weight | Chest | Arms | Waist | Calves | Hips |
2 | START | 02/06/12 | 244 | 47 | 15.50 | 46.00 | 17.25 | 43.00 |
2 | 6 | 03/19/12 | 238 | 46 | 15.50 | 45.00 | 17.00 | 43.00 |
Week | Shoulders | Neck | Thighs | Forearms | BF% Omron Monitor | Lean Mass | Fat |
START | 51.00 | 17.50 | 24.50 | 12.13 | 27.30% | 177.388 | 66.612 |
6 | 50.50 | 17.50 | 25.00 | 12.25 | 26.30% | 175.406 | 62.594 |
I've changed a slight approach on my nutrition to help the muscle building and fat burning concept. On cardio days I am following the BFL program 100%, but using an app on my Andriod phone to keep better track of calories. I tend to stick to 2 Myoplex shakes a day, 3 meals that stick to the nutrition program, but then my last shake is usually a whey protein shake with water with 40g of protein and very little carbs.
On lifting days, I'm following three meals for BFL, but tweaked three meals. I'll explain a little here, but will do a post explaining it more in detail. First, I take 20g of protein pre workout 30 minutes before my lifting. Then post workout I take 10g protein, creatine, 2oz apple juice, and about 10 oz water. 45 minutes later, I eat a meal that contains about 1.5x amount my normal protein for a total of 65g and then kick up the carbs to 90g, and keep the fat down very low. Then 2 hrs later I have another meal with the same breakdown, but allow a little more fat. It's basically 5 meals instead of 6 and borrows some protein from one meal and you use it in the two meals after working out. The idea is to feed your body and help promote muscle growth and have it increase insulin levels on lifting days. And on the cardio days, keep the regular meals, to help promote fat loss. I've really liked this approach and have 6 weeks into it and will continue this approach going forward. I don't recommend this for first time challengers, but when you are ready to tweak, this is something to definitely give a shot. It gives your body a constant change in calorie intake and let's you both gain muscle and lose fat.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Earlier this week the treadmills at the gym were packed. I finally saw one open up at the end near a window. I jump on the machine and get started. I love the fact that my speeds on hiit running have improved and how I really do get into a trance like state where I can completely zone out everything. It's not always easy to get there though. Almost every cardio session seems like I have problem motivating myself that I can push the limits. Usually half way through, those thoughts are gone though and I hit my goals. Last week I realized it was time to push the intensity up and I did. Back to the treadmill.... I was surprised as I ran my first interval just how easy it felt. What a difference, I must really be getting good at this... but when I went to 4.5mph for my jog I almost tripped at how slow the machine was. I didn't think much as I had already been thinking to push my intensity up. By the end of interval 2 at 7mph, I was like this is too easy, boy I'm doing good. Interval 3 I smelled a rat... so I pushed all the speeds .5mph and things felt okay. By the time I was done, my bpm was nowhere near where it was supposed to be. So I upped my extra 20 minutes of moderate cardio to 5.5mph. That was more like it. Friday I hit a different machine, one I normally use and as far as I can tell it just seems that he machine I used the other day is just not accurate on the speed. The good news is that I continue to progress through my running. For the most part hiit and additional moderate cardio put me at 40 minutes of straight running and the treadmill states about 3.66 miles each time. The weather is incredibly beautiful, but not normal, but thinking I may start doing my Sunday moderate cardio run outside to get use to it. I really would like that 5k under my belt ;)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Challenge 2 Week 5 Recap 17 weeks!
17 straight weeks complete, a long vacation and a business trip later and d here are my results. I really hope that sometime soon I get to look like the after work out pump look all day, then the I just rolled out of bed gravity takes over look lol... but considering I don't have a actual first day picture where I started at 265 and 35% body fat with a wonderful flotation device of a belly at 53", I think I'm doing pretty good. I really wish I had taken more pics of back and side back when I started. Lots of frontals, but would have loved to see how big I was really.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
It's official...
Friday's HIIT seemed okay to me and my normal 10's didn't seem to take my breath away as they normally do. After HIIT I did an extra 10 minutes of moderate cardio at what has been my normal for a few weeks of 4.5 mph and again, I felt fine. I checked my bpm and it was just slightly over 130. Normally I'm at 140ish, so this means time to up the intensity next time around. So this moring I decided that my 40 minutes of moderate cardio were going to be at 5mph. I did it in in steps... at first I thought 10 minutes should be good, next thing I knew I was shooting for 20, then it was 25, then I was like go 30 minutes straight and you'll have run 2.5 miles. Once that was done, I just focused on finishing the complete 40. It felt good to run the whole 3.3 miles straight and the intensity I was shooting for was there. As I cooled down, I checked my bpm and it was at 146, a little higher than I would have wanted, but still was good that I had the extra effort today. I took my 10g protein and some creatine with water right after my run, then proceeded home to replenish my liquids and topped it off an hour later with my Myoplex shake. That hit the spot... we ordered up a late lunch, forgot about the time change, and had Giordano's stuffed Chicago style cheese/ sausage pizza. I may have over done it with this meal today, whoops. ;) I'll make sure to be balanced the rest of the day, but then again... it is a cheat day. Moderation, moderation, moderation... lol :}~~~
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Pictures are a must
I'm wrapping up my last week in this building muscle phase I started after the end of my first challenge and haven't lost much weight, but even this picture to me shows a good improvement to me. Still have to wrap up my last moderate cardio from the Hussman Fitness tweak tomorrow, and then will start a 4 week fat burning phase.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Challenge 2 Week 4 Recap 03/05/12
I finally landed in Houston a little delayed and by the time I was in my rental and all, I still had to find a grocery store to pick up a few items. I needed to have enough water and make sure I had gel for my hair lol... I followed my normal workout routine through the week. Not knowing what was in the hotel fitness center had me a little worried, as most hotels don't always have all the necessary equipment, and mine did not. Lucky for me, my Houston office did have a full fitness center where I was able to do my LBWO. I tried to complete my UBWO at the hotel, but even though I was down there early, the one bench and dumbells were in use. So I immediately packed up and hit the office fitness center.
The greatest challenge on this trip was the wrong food availability and alcohol. I made sure to bring my shakers and pack my laptop bag daily with my Myoplex shake mixes and protein bars. I was lucky to have the hotel have a good variety of oatmeal, fresh fruits, and yogurt for their free breakfast in the morning. I would take a few things for my mid morning meal to hold me over until lunch. Lunches were small sub sandwiches, but the first day I found a sub shop and picked up a dry chicken wrap with double turkey and brought it with me. The leftover subs became my afternoon snack getting rid of some of the bread and loading up with some extra turkey. I was always able to clean up the lunch meals to fit my need, but protein was always an issue. A few days, I had to make sure I took a little more protein later in the day to make up for what I may have missed at lunch. Dinners were fairly easy, even the group ones. One night was a Mexican restaurant and grilled chicken, steak fajitas, black beans and rice were an easy meal combo. Another night was Italian buffet style, and I was able to have a serving angel hair pasta, chicken, and two servings of mixed steamed vegetables. When I asked the server for another spoonful, she responded with I've never had anyone ask for more vegetables, and we both laughed. We had a few free nights and I volunteered as a designated driver for others, but always made the right choices for food. Through the week I had many compliments of encouragement and votes of confidence on my strength to say no. No to desserts, no to buttered rolls, no to alcohol... they rolled off the tongue much easier than I thought they would and far from my vacation in week 8 of my first challenge. Starting this second challenge, I had some uncertainty on why I was continuing this process, but I seem to be more focused now, more then ever. It's the for life phase that I'm still trying to get in line.
In August of last year I had a business trip to Dallas and remember thinking when I snapped my belt on the airplane, that it was as loose as it could get and it was on the verge of being to small. It felt good to put on that belt this time and tighten it up. The fit in the seat was much nicer on my new body as well. One of my coworkers asked me to put together a workout program together for her which of course I did. I didn't take credit, but sent her the BFL sheets and was her personal trainer one morning after my workout. She must have said to me about four separate times, "Look at the size of your arms." Flattering it was ;) She's been sending updates, so I'm hoping she sticks with it. I think the funniest and most flattering situation was on my flight back. I flew Southwest and almost missed my flight, but as I walked on all that was left was middle seats. Being an expert at flying with them, I placed my laptop bag in a middle seat near the front and had to walk almost all the way to the back to find overhead space. As it turns out, I wasn't the only one that almost missed their flights, as I had to wait in the back until the remaining 10-15 other passengers boarded preparing for their middle seats lol... anyway I got back up to the my seat eventually and the gentleman on the aisle stands up and let's me in. As I'm sitting down, he makes the comment, "It's okay, I'm not the air marshall," and busts out laughing. Well the remainder of the flight he continues to joke and hound me about being the air marshall. At one point he even tells me that with my build, haircut, and sun glasses, that I sure looked the part. Apparently he was hinting towards a military background, which I don't have lol... I guess my tight polo showing off my smaller belly and bigger arms are starting to stand out :) It was good to have this type of ego boost, it really helps keep you focused.
This next week will wrap up my muscle building phase and I will be doing a 4 week phase focusing on burning fat next. I'll be doing the Hussman Fitness max cardio tweak of doing the extra 20 minutes of moderate cardio after my HIIT and doing another 40 minute moderate cardio on my normal off day. I'm hoping to lose 1-3 lbs a week in this phase, and hoping to see more of a drastic change in the transformation.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Challenge 2 Week 3 Recap 02/26/12
Workout and nutrition were good this week, I did go back to adding back in a third shake into my nutritional program for the convenience and have been using a calorie counter on my Android phone called Calorie Counter to make sure where my fist portions are where they should be. I'm shooting for about 40g protein and 30g carbs in each meal. It's great as the bar scanner will bring up the nutritional information and I just adjust to about where my portion is. It then saves what you eat too for future use. I'm not weighing every portion or slicing and dicing, but it helps with the general numbers for me to make sure I'm hitting my goals.
My lifting sessions have been great, I've really been pushing myself to make sure I'm hitting my intensitites and I think the results are paying off. I'm still doing treadmill for HIIT and still using the Hussman Fitness moderate tweak of adding 10 minutes of moderate cardio after HIIT and an extra 40 minute moderate run on my normal off day.
The biggest challenge I would have in the following week was my business trip. Outside of my vacation, this will be my first trip for work since I started BFL. I'm not going to lie, it has been nerve wrecking as the food and alcohol are plentiful in the group activities, so I have to stay focused. To add to the mess, Friday when I got home from work, my wife recieved a call that her grandfather had an accident and they were not sure if he was going to make it. Originally they were going to drive down to Florida, but then they told them that may be too late. So Friday night we found a flight for my wife, kids, mother and son in laws, to get down there Saturday. So we were scampering to get them packed and off, as I don't know how long they will be down there. Once they were off, I had to find a house and dog sitter, and then pack and plan for my trip. I brought 3 shakes per day, a baggie of protein for my after workouts, creatine as I start back up this week, 5 protein bars, a shaker, a small shaker, a small gym bag, etc. My cheat meals were leftover Noodles and Company Mac and Cheese with meatballs my son left me, and then I grabbed a Portillo's beef, cheese fry, and large diet coke on the way to the airport. I then had a fudge bar at the airport. I didn't get to my hotel until after midnight, but I picked up 5 gallons of water. I had my shake and off to bed I went.
I'm now back home, just got back yesterday, but I'll post up about Week 4 and the business trip in my next recap in the next few days, going off to get my lower workout in for today.