Thursday, November 22, 2012

C4W1D3 Huffing and puffing

Failed again on morning workout, it's hard to do a late night lifting and get up early.  This is a must goal for me in this challenge and hope that through this Thanksgiving holiday weekend I can get on track.

Tonights cardio... boy did I feel it.  Due to my foot acting up I had laid off of running, but went back to it tonight.  I started conservative, but by the end of the second interval I was struggling!  I lowered my expectations for the third interval and peaked with a 5.5 mph run, but when I went to start the fourth interval I began to gag and dry heave... just what I wanted to feel, knowing I did give it my all.  Rather than make a fool of myself and make others sick, yes, there were others working out this late, I decided to flip to a 3.0 mph walk using inclines for the increasing intensities.  I had to walk at no incline to get myself back together, then went to level 4, 8, 12, and then 15(max).  Heart rate went up satisfactory and then I finished off with a level 4 incline.  I then cooled off for an additional five minutes at a walk.  My guess is I will be back at full speed in a few weeks.  Never give up, just adjust your intensities!

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